Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Top 8 of '08

8. Our 3year anniversary- June 24th-Princeton Battlefield
7. Working with my Dad-My Business-Weddings<3>
6. Dave Matthews Band Concert Camping Trip to The Gorge, WA.-Labor Day Weekend

5. Danielle Funk's Engagement ;) April 4th

4. My Little Brothers 21rst Birthday-November 4th

3. My Grandmothers 80th Birthday-July 18th

2. Moving Back to Jersey

1. Knowing my husband will always be coming home. (No more deployments)

One more for Good Luck...The Eagles ROMPING/Embarrassing/whatever you want to call it on Dallas. -Dec. 28th

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So I posted about a super secret photo shoot I did a few weeks back. Well I can now finally blog about it. 3 guys that I have been friends with since I was like 14 asked me if I would be there photographer for there annual Christmas card they send out. It is usually hilarious and everyone wants one, it's a hot item around these parts ;)
One early Saturday morning we head down the shore to Belmar for a really quick photo shoot, and this is what came of it...


Meet Brian, Chris and Rich...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Old time photos...the real thing.

I know it's late, I just got done a project, one thing to cross of my list, 100 to go.
As I was scanning a gazillion and one photos for a secret x-mas present for someone. I came across old photos of my family. Some extremely old. Photographs really do amaze me, in every way. I love them(I'm glad I do since I am a photographer). They essentially hold on to one moment in time. Cameras capture history. They give people the ability to look back into the past. To remember their own history, to learn others. This holiday season, take any camera you have, even a disposable and document it.

Here is a few pictures I found. Over the holiday I will be posting some others...

This picture was taken 64 years ago in 1944. My grandmother @ 16, she is now 80.
This picture was taken around the same time, most likely the same year. My late grandfather in his Army uniform during the 40's.
I have another picture of my other grandmother, but I still have to scan it, then I will put it up.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sneak Peak...

Just a few pics from my session today with Jess. Couldn't really get a bad pic and found this sweet location.
More to come...



This was one of those pictures where I just couldn't decide between color or B&W.



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Winter & Beach...what could come of that?

A super secret shoot that you can see in a few weeks...
Can you feel the Holiday spirit?
I can, yet I still haven't gotten around to shopping for presents yet! Oy! Can we say procrastination? Yuuup

Friday, December 5, 2008

Go ELF yourself!

The McCormacks
This site is HILARIOUS. It sooo put a smile on my face when one of my best friends family (pictured above) sent this to me in an E-mail. So go to Elfyourself.com , best part is it is free to email to friends and family. Free to put a smile on someones face, what could be better ;)